If you are a professional woman struggling with stress and burnout and want to develop deep resilience and inspired self-care in the next 4 months, keep reading...

Start Your Journey


Resilience Expert and Vedic Astrologer
Founder of From Burnout to Resilience

Ready to experience vibrant health that aligns with your purpose?

I am taking everything that I have learned after running a successful clinical Ayurveda practice for over 10 years, helping 1000+ clients, and packaging it into an online one-on-one coaching package with me. This program is hands-on, individually tailored, and delivered with love. 

I spent the last 12 months coaching with Emily, which has been a tremendous boost for my personal and professional life. The content was superb and plentiful. The guidance by Emily was masterful. Her profound understanding of the small and big Ayurveda picture is exemplary and inspiring.
I recommend you sign up today for anyone who wants to learn, get a fresh perspective on true healthy living, and walk away with practical habits toward a happier and more fulfilling life!

Elisabeth Rimann

Emily has opened me up to new ways of thinking about my life. This learning has been beneficial as I navigate personal health challenges and aging (with grace). Coaching has invited new perspectives in relationships with others and the natural world.
The habits have helped to focus on the rhythms from consistently rising early, Ayurveda cleansing, yoga (before coffee), and an outdoor walk each morning… all before breakfast! I have been touched and inspired.

Carol Sanders

Ready to discover the answer to Burnout & Chronic-Overgiving?

As a professional woman you have SO MUCH to be responsible for, but you may not have the tools for your own self-care, which is critical to vibrant health.

This can lead to the experience of burnout, ill health, feelings of emotional exhaustion and overwhelming stress.


  • You're Tired, Uninspired & Overwhelmed
  • You're Under-appreciated
  • You're Exhausted - from taking care of everyone else except yourself
  • You feel like don't have time or energy for self-care
  • You experience dips in your energy through the day, or low energy in general
  • You're experiencing physical aches & pains
  • You want to eat well but just don't have time and don't know where to start
  • Your digestion isn't great and you feel sluggish, bloated or overweight
  • You just can't keep doing it this way anymore


  • Your self-care routine has got you feeling incredible
  • You have time for yourself and the dreams you wish to pursue
  • You've rekindled Joy and Inspiration 
  • You're sleeping like a baby and waking up refreshed
  • You have consistent energy and enthusiasm
  • You've found your sense of purpose in your day
  • You're feeling younger with pain-free movement
  • You're eating better, fresher and healthier food than you ever have before
  • Your health is robust and you feel your inner strength
  • Your digestion is spot on
  • You're empowered

Are you ready to experience vibrant health that aligns with your purpose?

I'm on a mission to help as many professional women as possible break out of the vicious cycle of overdoing and eliminate the guesswork that leads to health and vitality.

In 2013, I left my nursing career to open a 6 figure private Ayurveda healthcare practice, which gave me the flexibility to prioritize my health and happiness while doing the type of healing work I genuinely love.

My motto is: sickness is complicated, resilience is simple.

I'm your coach if staying healthy and aligning with your greater desires is a challenge. I have completely aligned with the healing work I love while keeping my health the # 1 priority.

It is a joy to teach simple, effective lifestyle practices and support professional women  like you to rekindle your passion for living so you can live a life that sets an example for others!

I can teach you how to prioritize health and align with your dreams. Transformation is my love language.

I hope it brings you relief when I say there is a way to live a healthy life in integrity with your dreams and desires. 


As a professional woman, you've dedicated your life to multitasking. But have you considered that taking care of yourself is important?

In fact, it's crucial for staying inspired and maintaining your professional capacity. 

That's why I developed From Burnout to Resilience. It's all about finding a way to live the life of your dreams while feeling healthy and inspired along the way!


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My year with Emily found me getting in touch with sacred space inside and outside me. I received inspiration for ten life-changing habits rooted in Ayurveda. Integrating Ayurveda practices into my life calms my nervous system, infuses my body with confidence, and increases my vitality. I understood that prioritizing care for the body and the lifeforce and respecting Nature's rhythms easefully invite natural health and orient one to thrive. Emily supported me with immense light, love, and sound leadership. Her unwavering dedication allowed my authenticity, vulnerability, and insights to come forward and support my healing journey. Coaching with Emily is to receive a steady dose of light-affirming inspiration - it is food for the body as well as the soul.

Shilpa Rao


Emily Glaser

My Burnout to Resilience Journey has taken me to India, a land of mystical magic and spiritual devotion. India is home to the lineage of Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology, which has been practiced and taught for 5000+ years.

I give a percentage of the sales to
Punarnava Trust, whose mission is to improve the health, education, and welfare of the local Indian community through the principles of Ayurveda and natural farming.

From Burnout to Resilience is your journey!

Your Burnout to Resilience journey is about what you can start doing for others once your health has been prioritized.

All you have to do is answer this:

If you were gifted a lifetime of vitality and good health to support work that made you jump out of bed each morning bananas-excited to engage with your purpose, what would that look like? 


You matter—your health matters. Your happiness matters. Healing is a birthright and can offer you more flexibility, freedom, and the opportunity to live in alignment with your values and dreams.


Your health and healing reach beyond you and your family and extend into your community. 


Your health and healing are bigger than YOU, and your impact expands globally.

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mystic sun

Let’s revolutionize self-care and make it a lifestyle!


I have really good news! There is a solution that can help you break free from burnout and stress, and it's within your reach. This is exactly why my signature program From Burnout to Resilience, was designed just for you.

This program combines the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with modern coaching to offer you a personalized, powerful way to manage stress and improve your health. Here’s how it works and why it’s the best choice for you:

Whats included:

  • Ayurveda Constitutional Assessment - Mind, Body, Soul: this helps us create a personalized plan that targets your specific needs.
  • 2 x 45min private calls with Emily each month Every month:  discuss your progress, address any concerns, and adjust your plan as needed. These sessions provide ongoing support and guidance to keep you on track.
  • A Beautiful Ayurveda self-care kit: filled with Ayurvedic tools and products. This kit includes everything you need to start implementing self-care practices that enhance your well-being.
  • Understanding your Dosha: or body constitution (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), and how it uniquely influences your health. 
  • Customized Herbal Formula every 6-8 weeks: to support your health, reduce stress, and support healing on a very deep level.
  • Handouts & Resources: to guide you through every step of your journey by providing valuable information and tips to support your progress.
  • Seasonal Rituals: that align with Ayurvedic principles to help you stay balanced and healthy throughout the year.
  • Individualized Self-Care Routine: practices that nurture your mind, body, and soul, and fits into your daily life.
  • Habit Evolution: I will help you incorporate new, healthy habits that are sustainable and effective to support lasting change. 
  • Access to either the spring or autumn Digestive Reset (value $325)
  • Voxer access

The emotional impact will be profound. You’ll feel a renewed sense of hope, joy, and balance in your life. You’ll be able to handle your work with ease, enjoy your personal time, and connect more deeply with your loved ones.

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Emily has a broad range of experience, including Western medicine (she's an RN), Ayurveda, Vedic astrology, and many branches of the extensive Vedic knowledge systems. This is a fabulous mix for a coach.
Almost everybody I know has some area of their life in which they would like to be different. These often include concerns about diet and sleep, leaving bad habits behind, and creating and sustaining new good habits. 
Emily is a great listener and experienced teacher, helping people hone and use their inner resources to nail down their goals and move toward them with calmness and joy, creating a safe and supportive environment for personal growth and healing. 

Hope Ewing, MD

mystic moon crystal

Working with Emily allowed me to integrate and expand my growing interest in Ayurveda.
Her support and carefully curated resources helped me gradually unfold the core principles of living in alignment with Ayurvedic wisdom.
Recognize that—unlike Western approaches to health—Ayurveda is more subtle in its power.
Take time to discern the nuanced differences as the lifestyle practices unfold.
This wealth of knowledge and resources has empowered me to take control of my health and well-being in a new and holistic way, a testament to the transformative power of Emily's coaching.

Margot Hartmann MD PhD

mystic sun

Emily expertly presents the layers of wisdom teachings, and she is a trustworthy coach in this endeavor, which is incredibly comforting as I explore new territory. It is essential to know that this type of experience allows each person to make it their own and customize how and when to incorporate the Ayurvedic approach into their life to continue to deepen their practices for the future.
I see a depth of vitality and vigor returning to my being that I had forgotten! In addition to an overall sense of well-being, I am happily surprised at the nourishment I experience in my body, mind, and spirit. I have come away with a sense of ease, confidence, and the direct experience of days of full vitality.   

Sondra Grace Hartmann

mystic moon crystal

Working with Emily is a transformative experience.
She creates a nurturing space for exploring and adopting new knowledge and practices that are life-affirming and beneficial.
Her focus on taking small, manageable steps towards well-being practices is manageable and leads to significant positive changes.
I've found that Emily's program has provided me with a wealth of digestible information, a calming and supportive group environment, and a highlight of my week. 

Michelle Meyer

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I am dedicated to helping you become radiantly healthy and aligned with your life’s purpose. 

My insights, based on helping 1000+ women step into SELF-CARE practices, will deeply change your life for the better.

You can spot me in the mountains of New Mexico or living at an Ayurveda Healing Village in India, thinking about the stars and praying to the divine.

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Ayurveda's 5000-year-old healthcare system has mapped out the path to healing and living a life you can love.

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Get the support you need.

I would be honored to have the opportunity to discuss working with you.

Book Your Free Strategy Session Here